
Showing posts from October, 2022

Mareecha and Ravana - A lesson for us.

I am always fascinated with some specific slokas from our scriptures and epics. They are not only wise from the context of that particular epic situation but also make relevance to our regular lives. Below sloka is one such sloka. सुलभाः पुरुषा राजन्, सततं प्रियवादिनः । अप्रियस्य तु पथ्यस्य, वक्ता श्रोता च दुर्लभः ॥ Transliteration: sulabhaa.h puru.shaa raajan, satata.m priyavaadina.h | apriyasya tu pathyasya, vaktaa "srotaa ca durlabha.h || Meaning: Oh, King (Ravana)! It is easy to find people who speak pleasantly. It is hard to find a speaker or a listener who is unpleasant but honest. सुलभाः पुरुषा राजन्, सततं प्रियवादिनः । अप्रियस्य तु पथ्यस्य, वक्ता श्रोता च दुर्लभः ॥ Who said this to whom? — The Phoenix (@AS_2103) Tweet The above wise words were spoken by Mareecha with Ravana. But why would this wise discussion happen between two vicious people like Ravana and Mareecha? The context is as interesting as the sloka. Ravana wan...